My name is Jon Rozier (he/him), I’m a Full Stack Developer and a Digital Packrat. I’ve been writing software for X number of years (obviously that number will increase…until it doesn’t), mostly working with web applications but I’ve had a great deal of database experience. Aside from software, I’m a fan of good food, good wine / whiskey (less and less with each year, getting old will do that for you), animals of all forms (I’m mostly a vegetarian but I do really enjoy sushi), friends / family, books, video games…and all sorts of other interests (the ADHD is strong in me).

Where I Can Be Found Online:

This is by no means a complete list of where I am online but these are the highlights.


Blog Statistics

Some details about the blog, provided by the Posts Stats plugin:

Total Posts Published 485
Total Words Written 23,119
Average Words per Post 47
First Post Published Is This Thing On? published on 2021-01-30
Longest Post Published September Challenge - Summary with 1942 words
Posts with Title 29
Posts without Title 456

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