I’ve been toying with Micro.blog for years, playing with it (and paying for it) but never really committing to using it. …but then came the buyout / take-over of Twitter (I absolutely refuse to call it “X”) and it seemed like a ton of folks online were looking for alternatives. I’ve always been a fan of supporting software (hence never complaining much about paying for Micro.blog) developers and as I was already paying for it, I decided to give it another go.

As I predicted, it ended up being more a direct Twitter replacement than anything else, becoming a place for rants, observations, etc, but then I saw a post about the September 2023 Photo-blogging Challenge and decided it might be fun to participate.

I was right, it’s been a lot of fun. πŸ˜€

The premise behind it is to post a different photo, every day, following the same theme / idea as everyone else. I thought it would be cool to see if I could post a photo each day from my own photo library and with a few exceptions, I’ve succeeded. It’s been a great time, going back in time in my library, looking through old memories, to find something that matches the daily topic.

If you’d like to see my entries for the Challenge, they can be found under a specific tag, in my Micro.blog instance (the tag: “Photo Challenge: Sept 2023”).

I’m looking forward to the rest of the month.

In the end, I think Micro.blog is going to continue to be my Twitter replacement. I thought Mastodon was going to be it but I really enjoy the fact that I control my own subdomain and could migrate away if I wanted down the road. With Mastodon, at least currently, that isn’t really an option for me. So…I’ll continue to use Micro.blog for Twitter-like functionality and keep my existing blog for longer-form posts (like this one).

Note: This post is from my old site and was ported over into Micro.Blog when I consolidated from two sites into one. All of the migrated posts can be found here.