Goodbye Russell
We said goodbye to our boy today. He drifted across the rainbow bridge full of all his favorite foods (ham, meatballs, & pâté), nestled between us on the couch (it was his favorite place to be). I’m going to miss you, my little puppy-rabbit, I’m going to miss you. 💔🐶🐕

Russell, resting on a pillow
I’m reminded of my favorite song from my favorite musical:
I’ve heard it said,
That people come into our lives,
For a reason.
Bringing something we must learn.
And we are lead to those,
Who help us most to grow if we let them.
And we help them in return.
Well I don’t know if I believe that’s true.
But I know I’m who I am today,
Because I knew you.
Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better.
I do believe I have been changed for the better.
Because I knew you,
I have been changed
For good.
…Of course, in my head, I’m changing out “people” with “dogs” but you get the idea…
Goodbye my little friend, I’m going to miss you…until we (hopefully) meet again. Thank you for letting me be your Human. 💔🐶

Russell outside in the garden
Note: This post is from my old site and was ported over into Micro.Blog when I consolidated from two sites into one. All of the migrated posts can be found here.