Note: This page is from my old site and was ported over into Micro.Blog when I consolidated from two sites into one. All of the migrated posts can be found here.

About the Site

This site was created via Hugo, with the Coder theme. If you’d like to read about the back-story, you can see one of my posts. It’s generated using Cloudflare Pages, refer to their privacy policies if you’re curious. Cloudflare does provide analytics / metrics but it happens server-side.

About the Creator

I suppose this is the place for the 30 second elevator speech, so here we go!

My name is Jon Rozier, I’m a full stack developer and a digital packrat. I’ve been writing software for X number of years (obviously that number will increase…until it doesn’t), mostly working with web applications but I’ve had a great deal of database experience. Aside from software, I’m a fan of good food, good wine / whiskey (less and less with each year, getting old will do that for you), animals of all forms (I’m mostly a vegetarian but I do really enjoy sushi), friends / family, books, video games…and all sorts of other interests.

Where I Can Be Found Online:

This is by no means a complete list of where I am online but these are the highlights.

Location Link