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  • Life is messy at times and when it gets that way, we just have to clean ourselves up and move forward. 😆

  • The Christmas village has been destroyed…it might be time to take it down, before further casualties are caused by the feline invasion.

    Grey cat looking at the camera, from on top of a piano, behind a tiny, decorative Christmas village, part of which he clearly moved / destroyed.
  • Decided to do a tiny bit of baking, so I made some chocolate chip cookies for game night.

  • Regal, as always…Russell surveys his domain.

  • My current Employer is requiring all employees to provide proof of vaccination, so that an OSHA compliance is met.

    IMG 0314

    I’m at at all opposed to this request / mandate but I do find it funny the system my Employer is using states “do not upload or include information about medical conditions”; the data they’re requesting, it is information about a medical condition… 🤣

  • Just realized, between my partner and I, we know nine people who have Covid right now… Yay omicron variant… 😷🤒

  • This sleepy little guy is twitching in his sleep and clearly ready for bed.

  • It seems like it was years ago (and honestly, it was years ago or so it seems) but I received some bad news last night and instantly flashed back to my days at University, to my favorite liturature course, one covering the Victorian Era (for those of you who don’t know me, I have a minor in English literature). Christina Rossetti is one of my favorite authors of that era and one of her poems is echoing through my head, even this morning:

    Promises Like Pie-Crust

    Promise me no promises,
    So will I not promise you:
    Keep we both our liberties,
    Never false and never true:
    Let us hold the die uncast,
    Free to come as free to go:
    For I cannot know your past,
    And of mine what can you know?

    You, so warm, may once have been
    Warmer towards another one:
    I, so cold, may once have seen
    Sunlight, once have felt the sun:
    Who shall show us if it was
    Thus indeed in time of old?
    Fades the image from the glass,
    And the fortune is not told.

    If you promised, you might grieve
    For lost liberty again:
    If I promised, I believe
    I should fret to break the chain.
    Let us be the friends we were,
    Nothing more but nothing less:
    Many thrive on frugal fare
    Who would perish of excess.

    It’s funny how the human mind works…you can be focused one some bad news and instantly the brain takes you down memory lane, to something totally irrelevant and yet completly on point.

  • Last day of holiday break…so many things I haven’t yet done but it’s hard to find the energy.

    Plus, it’s hard to be productive when this little furball wants to be lazy as well… 🐕📷

    White dog with floppy ears, black eyes, and an adorable black / shinny nose, on a grey/green recliner with a red plaid blanket in the background, looking off into the distance.
  • No, it is not time for Valentine’s Day…put away the red hearts and bring back Christmas…it isn’t even the New Year! 😤

  • Random Thought: Three-day work weeks are always rough…and when you wake up to literal freezing weather but you’re all snuggly in bed, well, it’s very hard to get up and going.

    Clearly more coffee is required… ☕️

  • Watching / listening to As Time Goes By while wrapping gifts. 🎄🎁