Russell was giving a lot of side eye when I was trying to get him to look at the camera… 🤣🐶
All day, I’ve been humming a song and just realized it’s from Kirby’s Adventure. 🤣
It’s funny…in all the time I’ve been a digital packrat, I’ve never had a Western Digital drive go bad…but the sole remaining Seagate IronWolf drive in my Synology is about to kick the bucket… 😔 Anyone care to guess which brand will be replacing it? 😅
Looking at a stack of receipts and realized Costco double-charged us for eggs… 😱
There wasn’t much space in the recliner but he wanted to sit with me and I couldn’t say no… 🥰
Spent today verifying my creaky old windows application will be fine when IE is forcibly retired next month. Ah, the corporate life… 🤣
It’s 2023…why are websites still having issues with Safari? I shouldn’t have to open up the console to debug your application / site. 😮💨
I’ve been wearing an Apple Ultra Watch for a couple months now and while I love it’s features (especially the battery life), I’m not a gigantic fan of the look of it on my wrist. I suspect this will be the last one for me and I’ll go back to the smaller size next time. ⌚️
These phishing emails are starting to look authentic…it took me a few minutes to realize I never used that email address with PayPal. 🤣
As I suspected, I’m rather sore today but them’s the breaks. 😅
Went to a gym over my lunch break today for the first time since the pandemic started…and wow, I’m feeling it right now in my arms. 🤣 No pain, no gain…but I need to get rid of some of the gains I’ve made…or at least exchange them for muscle.
Another day, another Charter/Spectrum outage. I was planning on keeping them around as a backup to AT&T Fiber (switched earlier in the week and my firewall let’s me use multiple WAN connections) but why should I pay for a service that keeps going down…? 🤨
Went out to lunch with a friend and I just couldn’t stop myself from abusing my body with tasty cheese wrapped in a dough-form (ordered the calzone). 🤤
Had some green curry for lunch…it was tasty but a bit of a mistake (I can already feel the heart-burn forming). 😋😞
Russell was begging for scratches and who was I to deny him…he got a lot of scratches.
Just got an email from a pizza place, talking about ”helping with Resolutions” 😂🍕
Decided to get out and enjoy the weather on the first day of the New Year. 🌤️ Russell had a great time exploring one of the local parks. 😄🐾
Congratulations @Apple, you might have gotten $45 for an interest payment I feel I don’t owe (especially when your app said I wouldn’t be charged interest) but I’m going to use other cards going forward. You win? 😤🤣
Happy New Year everyone! 🎉 I woke up to no internet this morning, yay for hotspots! 🤣
So, power just went out on my block… 😮💨🥶